Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dive In And Enjoy!

On Jun 6th I posted to the blog about Bluewater Pools & Frank Vazquez's dive into the world of social media.  It has been exciting to watch their Facebook page activity over the past 2 months.  What I have seen are dozens of pictures of families & friends enjoying their pools.   There has been no lack of posts of beautifully constructed designs by Bluewater Pools but, the customer photo posts frame the company posts in a way that leads the Facebook Page visitor to begin to think "Bluewater Pools is important to these families"  &/or  This is a "community."  There are also the occasional posts about holiday's or events that are important to Bluewater Pools.  Not just a "sale", looking back there has not been one "sale" or "today's special" post on their page, but posts like a holiday "I'm proud to be an American" or to the soliders a "Thank you for what you do."  Posts of Fireworks on the 4th of July or even posts of what's cooking for dinner that night at Frank's.  Not a single post with a negative tone exists there.  Bluewater Pools Facebook page is a happy, inviting celebration of life in and around the pool.  Who could possibly pass up the opportunity to join in this fun?  No one!  Certainly not me.  To those of you who are planning social media/Facebook strategies for next season, take a look at Bluewater Pools Facebook page.  Jump in & enjoy with the rest of us!

I can't end this blog entry without sharing with you, the post from Bluewater Pool's Making Memories Grand Prize Winner:

Blue Water Pools:

“Party at our house this weekend, bring a swimsuit and towel!” As of August 2010, this has been our mantra. We have now become the home that hosts all the gatherings that knits our friends into family. Our once deserted backyard, has blossomed into an oasis for hearted connections, an exhale from the constant go, and simple child-like fun.
Our desire to build our pool was with hopes to have early morning swims, moonlight swims, to simply be able to stay home and open our house to the joy. Yet, as a homeschooling mother, I had no idea the true beauty our pool would bring to our lives, and studies. Our “mental math” has taken on a new life. We have now evolved to “water math”. We dive out the multiplication tables, we estimate the height of cannonballs, we swim three-fourths the length, the possibilities and motivation, is now endless.
In so many aspects of our lives, our pool brings such beauty. We are blessed with the gaiety of romping, diving, swimming children, poolside BBQs, as well as the serenity of a relaxing swim in the evening. Our home, and our memories couldn’t be more full.

"Thank you blue water pools"

Dana, Dana, Chase, Sage, Shai and Cruz Gordon